HSC Result 2016 was published on 18, August 2016. It was published by the Education Board of Bangladesh. All board HSC Results are published here. This year, the HSC exam started on 3rd April 2016. And the exam finished on 9 June 2016. The practical exam starts on 11 June 2016 and finished on 26 June 2016. Here is another board to attend the exam.
This is the Madrasah board. Madrasah board exam 2016 starts on the Same date and time. The Madrasah board result was published on this day. Lots of students take this exam. More than 5 lakhs were examined in this year. All student attends HSC institutions in Bangladesh. The examiner of HSC exams on 1,389 centers into 8 general education boards of Bangladesh.
Table of Contents
HSC Result 2016
To collect your HSC Result 2016 please follow and fill up the instruction:
HSC Result Bangladesh
Bangladesh Education Board Dhaka
HSC Result 2016 published date does not announce by Bangladesh educational chairman. HSC Result 2016 published on August 2016 with Result published tradition. Educational Ministry hand over the HSC Result 2016 to Prime Minister Shek Hasina.

After that educational ministry and other ministry take an important meeting. Completing meeting result on everywhere in Bangladesh. HSC Result 2016 also published on August 2016 on education board official website:
HSC Exam Results 2016
Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) which is controlled by the Bangladesh Education board. There has some boards result in HSC examination. Those are Dhaka Education Board, Barisal board, Chittagong board, Comilla board, Dinajpur Board, Jessore Board, Rajshahi Board, Sylhet Board, Technical board & Madrasah Board. HSC & Alim results were published on the same day.
Alim exam is another name of HSC. Madrasah student called Alim in their HSC level. Their exam started on 4th April on 2016. And end this exam on June 2016. The practical exam finished on 29 June on 2016. The official site of HSC Result 2016 is educationboardresults.gov.bd. diplomabd.com is the main alternative site for HSC Exam Result 2016. When the Board published the exam result. We update our site on same time.
When HSC Exam Result 2016 Published
HSC Result 2016 publish date on August month. In the day of August, the HSC results 2016 were published. After the exam on June, the student waits to see their result. They have too many ways to watch the result. I have helped you two ways to see the result. In first you read the instructions to see the result by mobile SMS.
HSC Result 2016 Dhaka Board
HSC Result 2016 publish published Dhaka board official website. Education board Result also publishes Dhaka Board HSC Result 2016. There is another way to see HSC Result 2016. There are From website, Mobile SMS and Android apps. If you are unable to get HSC Result using Three methods. Then you may collect Result from your won Institute.
HSC Exam Result 2016 Dhaka Board by Online | HSC Result 2016 Dhaka Board by Website
HSC Result 2016 Dhaka Board published August 2016 on Education Board Result website and Dhaka board official website. education board result official website is http://www.educaitonboardresults.gov.bd and Dhaka board official website is http://dhakaeducationboard.gov.bd. When you needs see HSC Exam Result 2016 for Dhaka board you have to select following steps.
- Examination: HSC/Alim
- Year: 2016
- Board: Dhaka
- Roll: type your won Roll like: 458475
- 4+3: This is number verification it is dynamic and change every reload. like 4+3= 7 on blank space
HSC Result 2016 Dhaka Board by Mobile SMS
At first, type your exam name and make space board name only 3-word space roll no and send to 16222. An example: HSC DHA 100651 2016 send to 16222.
The other way is the internet. If you know the government URL site name. You search the site and read or fill up the information what they say. If you don’t know the site name then search any URL like https://diplomabd.comssc-result-2016/. When you go this site you fill the information to see the HSC result. This information you fill like this to see my Technic.
- Examination : HSC/Alim
- Year: 2016
- Board: Dhaka
- Roll: 100651
- 4+3: 7
Follow the instruction and find your result easily. If you don’t fill up sheet like this. You don’t see your result.
Alim Result 2016 | HSC Result 2016 Madrasah Board
Alim Result 2016 also called HSC Result 2016 Madrasah board. Alim Result 2016 published date August 2016. Bangladesh educational sectary Sohrab Hossain announces the result to date. Madrasah board has a large number of Alim Examinee. Bangladesh has only on Madrasah board. HSC Result 2016 Madrasah Board or Alim Result 2016 published on public result published the official site.
Alim Result 2016 by www.educationboardresults.gov.bd
Alim Result 2016 publish on www.educationboardresults.gov.bd official website. Are you want to know how can get you HSC Result 2016 ? there has an easy way to HSC Result from the website. visit: https://diplomabd.comssc-result-2016/ you can see result publish from. And you have to put information on Result from for getting the result. Example:
- Examination: HSC/Alim
- Year: 2016
- Board : Madrasah Board
- Roll: 543216 (Keep your roll)
- 9+5: 14 (this is verification add two numbers and keep the result)
Reset Submit (Finally, you have to press submit button to see your result.)
Alim Result 2016 Mobile SMS Processes
Alim Result 2016 publish also by Bangladeshi Mobile operator. For Madrasah board HSC Result you need a mobile. If you do not know how to see Result by mobile SMS? You can follow this format to get Alim Result 2016. First, you have to go message option and type MAD<space>Your Roll Number<space>2016 and you have sent to 16222.
An example: DAKHIL MAD 201639 2016 and send to 16222.
HSC Vocational Result 2016
HSC Vocational Result 2016 was published in August 2016. www.educationboardresults.gov.bd, publish HSC Vocational Result 2016. The HSC Vocation exam is taken by the Bangladesh Technical Education Board. For HSC Vocational Result have some technic to get the result first. I describe this now below:
HSC Vocational Result 2016 by www.educationboardresults.gov.bd
HSC Vocational Result 2016 for the faster you have to fill the by www.educationboardresults.gov.bd. For HSC Vocational Result 2016 you have to fill the form method of below:
- Examination: HSC/Alim
- Year: 2016
- Board: Technical Board
- Roll: 543216 (Keep your roll)
- 9+5: 14 (this is verification add two numbers and keep the result)
Reset Submit (Finally, you have to press the submit button to see your result.)
HSC Vocational Result 2016 Mobile SMS processes
HSC Vocational Result 2016 publish also Bangladeshi mobile operators. The process of getting HSC Result 2016 or HSC Vocation Result 2016 is the same. HSC Exam Result 2016 mobile SMS process in below:
HSC<space>First three latter of board<space>Roll Number of Examinee<space>2016 and send to 16222.
An example: HSC TEC 254154 2016 and send to 16222.
HSC Result 2016 Barisal Board
HSC Result 2016 published Barisal Board official website. Education Board Result also publishes the Barisal Board HSC Result 2016. There is another way to see HSC Result 2016. There are websites, Mobile SMS, and Android apps. If you are unable to get the HSC Result using Three methods. Then you may collect Results from your own Institute.
HSC Result 2016 Barisal Board by Online | HSC Result 2016 Barisal Board by Website
HSC Result 2016 Barisal Board published August 2016 on the Education Board Result website and Barisal Board official website. The education board results official website is http://www.educaitonboardresults.gov.bd and the Barisal Board’s official website is http://barisalboard.gov.bd. When you need to see the HSC Exam Result 2016 for the Barisal board you have to select the following steps.
- Examination: HSC/Alim
- Year: 2016
- Board : Barisal Board
- Roll: 321541 (Keep your roll)
- 14+5: 19 (this is verification add two numbers and keep the result)
Reset Submit (Finally, you have to press submit button to see your result.)
HSC Result 2016 by Mobile SMS Processes Barisal Board
Barisal Result 2016 publish also by Bangladeshi Mobile operator. For Barisal board HSC Result you need a mobile. If you do not know how to see Result by mobile SMS? You can follow this format to get Barisal Result 2016. First, you have to go message option and type HSC<space>BAR<space>Your Roll Number<space>2016 and you have sent to 16222.
An example: HSC BAR 254752 2016 and send to 16222.
HSC Result 2016 Chittagong Board
HSC Result 2016 publish published Chittagong board official website. Education board Result also publishes Chittagong Board HSC Result 2016. There is another way to see HSC Result 2016. There are From website, Mobile SMS and Android apps. If you are unable to get HSC Result using Three methods. Then you may collect Result from your won Institute.
HSC Result 2016 Chittagong Board by Online | HSC Result 2016 Chittagong Board by Website
HSC Result 2016 Chittagong Board published August 2016 on Education Board Result website and Chittagong board official website. Education board result official website is http://www.educaitonboardresults.gov.bd and Chittagong board official website is http://www.bise-ctg.gov.bd/. When you needs see HSC Exam Result 2016 for Chittagong board you have to select following steps.
- Examination: HSC/Alim
- Year : 2016
- Board : Chittagong Board
- Roll : 124562 (Keep your roll)
- 9+5 : 14 (this is verification add two number and keep result)
Reset Submit (Finally, you have to press submit button to see your result.)
HSC Result 2016 Chittagong Board Mobile SMS Processes
HSC Result 2016 Chittagong Board publish also by Bangladeshi Mobile operator. For Chittagong board HSC Result you need a mobile. If you do not know how to see Result by mobile SMS? You can follow this format to get Chittagong Result 2016. First, you have to go message option and type HSC<space>CHI<space>Your Roll Number<space>2016 and you have sent to 16222.
An example: HSC CHI 245145 2016 and send to 16222.
HSC Result 2016 Comilla Board
HSC Result 2016 publish published Comilla board official website. Education board Result also publishes Comilla Board HSC Result 2016. There is another way to see HSC Result 2016. There are From website, Mobile SMS and Android apps. If you are unable to get HSC Result using three methods. Then you may collect Result from your won Institute.
HSC Result 2016 Comilla Board by Online | HSC Result 2016 Comilla Board by Website
HSC Result 2016 Comilla Board published August 2016 on Education Board Result website and Comilla board official website. Education board result official website is http://www.educaitonboardresults.gov.bd and Comilla board official website is http://Comillaboard.gov.bd. When you needs see HSC Exam Result 2016 for Comilla board you have to select following steps.
- Examination: HSC/Alim
- Year : 2016
- Board : Comilla Board
- Roll : 124562 (Keep your roll)
- 9+5 : 14 (this is verification add two number and keep result)
Reset Submit (Finally, you have to press submit button to see your result.)
HSC Result 2016 by Mobile SMS Processes for Comilla Board
Comilla Board HSC Result 2016 publish also by Bangladeshi Mobile operator. For Comilla board HSC Result you need a mobile. If you do not know how to see Result by mobile SMS? You can follow this format to get Comilla Result 2016. First, you have to go message option and type HSC<space>COM<space>Your Roll Number<space>2016 and you have sent to 16222.
An example: HSC COM 245145 2016 and send to 16222.
HSC Result 2016 Dinajpur Board
HSC Result 2016 publish published Dinajpur Board board official website. Education board Result also publishes Dinajpur Board HSC Result 2016. There is another way to see HSC Result 2016. There are From website, Mobile SMS and Android apps. If you are unable to get HSC Result using three methods. Then you may collect Result from your won Institute.
HSC Result 2016 Dinajpur Board by Online | HSC Result 2016 Dinajpur Board by Website
HSC Result 2016 Dinajpur Board published August 2016 on Education Board Result website and Dinajpur Board board official website. Education board result official website is http://www.educaitonboardresults.gov.bd and Dinajpur Board board official website is http://dinajpureducationboard.gov.bd. When you needs see HSC Exam Result 2016 for Dinajpur Board board you have to select following steps.
- Examination: HSC/Alim
- Year : 2016
- Board : Dinajpur Board
- Roll : 215433 (Keep your roll)
- 7+5 : 12 (this is verification add two number and keep result)
Reset Submit (Finally, you have to press submit button to see your result.)
HSC Exam Result 2016 by Mobile SMS Processes for Dinajpur Board
Dinajpur Board HSC Result 2016 publish also by Bangladeshi Mobile operator. For Dinajpur Board board HSC Result you need a mobile. If you do not know how to see Result by mobile SMS? You can follow this format to get Dinajpur Board HSC Result 2016. First, you have to go message option and type HSC<space>DIN<space>Your Roll Number<space>2016 and you have sent to 16222.
An example: HSC DIN 245145 2016 and send to 16222.
HSC Exam Result 2016 Jessore Board
HSC Result 2016 publish published Jessore board official website. Education board Result also publishes Jessore Board HSC Result 2016. There is another way to see HSC Result 2016. There are From website, Mobile SMS and Android apps. If you are unable to get HSC Result using three methods. Then you may collect Result from your won Institute.
HSC Result 2016 Jessore Board by Online | HSC Result 2016 Jessore Board by Website
HSC Result 2016 Jessore Board published August 2016 on Education Board Result website and Jessore board official website. Education board result official website is http://www.educaitonboardresults.gov.bd and Jessore board official website is http://Jessoreeducationboard.gov.bd. When you needs see HSC Exam Result 2016 for Jessore board you have to select following steps.
- Examination: HSC/Alim
- Year : 2016
- Board : Jessore Board
- Roll : 398524 (Keep your roll)
- 5+5 : 10 (this is verification add two number and keep result)
Reset Submit (Finally, you have to press submit button to see your result.)
HSC Result 2016 by Mobile SMS Processes for Jessore Board
Jessore Result 2016 publish also by Bangladeshi Mobile operator. For Jessore board HSC Result you need a mobile. If you do not know how to see Result by mobile SMS? You can follow this format to get Jessore board HSC Result 2016. First, you have to go message option and type HSC<space>JES<space>Your Roll Number<space>2016 and you have sent to 16222.
An example: HSC JES 536862 2016 and send to 16222.
HSC Exam Result 2016 Rajshahi Board
HSC Result 2016 publish published Rajshahi board official website. Education board Result also publishes Rajshahi Board HSC Result 2016. There is another way to see HSC Result 2016. There are From website, Mobile SMS and Android apps. If you are unable to get HSC Result using three methods. Then you may collect Result from your won Institute.
HSC Exam Result 2016 Rajshahi Board by Online | HSC Result 2016 Rajshahi Board by Website
HSC Result 2016 Rajshahi Board published August 2016 on Education Board Result website and Rajshahi board official website. Education board result official website is http://www.educaitonboardresults.gov.bd and Rajshahi board official website is http://rajshahieducationboard.gov.bd. When you needs see HSC Exam Result 2016 for Rajshahi board you have to select following steps.
- Examination: HSC/Alim
- Year : 2016
- Board : Rajshahi Board
- Roll : 256321 (Keep your roll)
- 13+4 : 17 (this is verification add two number and keep result)
Reset Submit (Finally, you have to press submit button to see your result.)
Rajshahi Result 2016 Mobile SMS Processes
Rajshahi Result 2016 publish also by Bangladeshi Mobile operator. For Rajshahi board HSC Result you need a mobile. If you do not know how to see Result by mobile SMS? You can follow this format to get Rajshahi board Result 2016. First, you have to go message option and type HSC<space>RAJ<space>Your Roll Number<space>2016 and you have sent to 16222.
An example: HSC RAJ 864565 2016 and send to 16222.
HSC Exam Result 2016 Sylhet Board
HSC Result 2016 publish published Sylhet board official website. Education board Result also publishes Sylhet Board HSC Result 2016. There is another way to see HSC Result 2016. There are From website, Mobile SMS and Android apps. If you are unable to get HSC Result using three methods. Then you may collect Result from your won Institute.
HSC Result 2016 Sylhet Board by Online | HSC Result 2016 Sylhet Board by Website
HSC Result 2016 Sylhet Board published August 2016 on Education Board Result website and Sylhet board official website. Education board result official website is http://www.educaitonboardresults.gov.bd and Sylhet board official website is http://sylhetboard.gov.bd. When you needs see HSC Exam Result 2016 for Sylhet board you have to select following steps.
- Examination: HSC/Alim
- Year : 2016
- Board : Sylhet Board
- Roll :56428 (Keep your roll)
- 4+7 : 11 (this is verification add two number and keep result)
Reset Submit (Finally, you have to press submit button to see your result.)
HSC Result 2016 Mobile SMS Processes for Sylhet Board
Sylhet Result 2016 publish also by Bangladeshi Mobile operator. For Sylhet board HSC Result you need a mobile. If you do not know how to see Result by mobile SMS? You can follow this format to get Sylhet board Result 2016. First, you have to go message option and type HSC<space>SYL<space>Your Roll Number<space>2016 and you have sent to 16222.
An example: HSC SYL 864565 2016 and send to 16222.
HSC Exam Result 2016
HSC examination 2016 start in February 2016. Secondary School Certificate (HSC) exam result publish on may 2016. Many students attend this examination. Most of the student wait to attend this exam for a long time. The student should not pass their test exam on their School. And they wait for next year. In this year, 15+ lakh students participate the HSC exam 2016. In here to see how may get exam result on HSC? Here we discuss the exam subject & date on 2016.
HSC Result 2016This is the sort list of HSC exam 2016. The student must be prepared for their exam. Unfortunately, you collect this routine on December 1st week on 2015. The Alim exam student finished their exam on same time. We think your exam is well. Now you should see your exam result. Please follow the rules what we say on up.
HSC ( Higher Secondary Certificate ) 2016 is handling by Bangladesh education board. Every year this HSC exam start on April month. So many students attend this exam in every year. More than 5 lakh examine attend the exam in this year. There are boys and girls students. After a passing year, this amount is highly buildup. This large amount of students exams on 3,094 centers under the 10 board. In this year, HSC Exam starts on 3rd April 2016. And the exam finished 12 June on 2016. After the two months of finishing exam result published.
This means every year in may month HSC Exam Result published. When the exam result published. In a day of may month exam result published. In this day, the Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid take the result sheet. He hands over the sheet to prime Minister of Bangladesh at 11 pm. The prime Minister of Bangladesh received the sheet. After 1 pm published the HSC Result 2016. And after 2 pm the student collect their result. Students should collect their result by mobile SMS & the internet.