Khulna Polytechnic Institute in Bangladesh

Diploma In Engg

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Khulna Polytechnic Insitute

Khulna Polytechnic Institute

Khalispur I/A, Khulna
Phone: 88-041-762352, , Fax: 88-041-762352
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Animesh Pal

Khulna Polytechnic Institute

Khulna Polytechnic Institute

For mid-level studies, the Polytechnic Institute in the south of the country is the most prestigious institution. 3800 students are studying in this institution An engineering diploma. And the KPI has 8 teaching departments. Every year about one hundred teachers and about 700 of the total intake of diploma students of the department and the Institute of Education.

This is the best Diploma in Engineering Polytechnic Institute in Khulna. this polytechnic is fully maintained by the technical education board in Dhaka, Bangladesh. There are a total of 10 technologies in this institute. We have listed the general information of Khulna Polytechnic Institute and its department list below.

General Information of Khulna Polytechnic Institute

Type Public Polytechnic 
Established 1963
Academic Staff 90
Administrative Staff 58
Students 4000 (approx)
Address  Old Jessore Road, Khalishpur Industrial Area,

Khulna, GPO-2009. (22.8452°N 89.5429°E)

Campus Urban
Language  Bengali
Colors Blue-Khaki-Black


Department Name of Khulna Polytechnic Institute

Here is the list of Department at Khulna Polytechnic Institute:

SL Departments Seat (1st Shift + 2nd Shift)
01 Civil Engineering  100 + 100
02 Electrical Engineering  100 + 100
03 Electronic Engineering  50 + 50
04 Mechanical Engineering  100 + 100
05 Power Engineering 50 + 50
06 Biophysical Environment  50 + 50
07 Computer Engineering  50 + 50
08 Instrumental & Process Control Technology (IPCT) 50 + 50
09 Environmental Engineering  50 + 50
10 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Technology 50 + 50

Khulna Polytechnic Institute

Civil Engineering

What is civil engineering? Civil Engineering is now the best Diploma in engineering technology. civil engineering technology fully details information you can find here.

Computer Engineering

What is computer Engineering technology? Now the best engineering technology is Computer Engineering technology. you can also learn here about computer engineering Latest info.

Electrical Engineering

What is Electrical Engineering? Diploma in Electrical engineering full detailed information you can get this site.

Electronics Engineering

What is Electronics Engineering Technology? Diploma in Electronics Engineering fully details information you can know this site. go to this link and learn about Electronics Engineering information.

Environmental Engineering

What is Environmental Engineering?  diploma in Environmental Engineering technology fully details information you can get here.

Instrumentation and Process Control Technology

What is instrument and process control Engineering? Diploma in Instrumentation and Process Control Engineering technology fully details information you can get this site.

Mechanical Engineering

What is Mechanical engineering? Diploma in Mechanical Engineering fully details information you can get here.

Biophysical Environment 

What is Biophysical Environment Technology? You will get detailed information about the Biophysical Environment here.

Power Engineering

What is Power Engineering? Diploma in Power Engineering technology full detailed information you can find here.

Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Technology

What is Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technology? You will get the information about the diploma in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technology in full detail here.