Lakshmpur Polytechnic Institute

Diploma In Engg

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Lakshmpur Polytechnic Institute

Lakshmpur Polytechnic Institute

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Lakshmpur Polytechnic Institute

Lakshmpur Polytechnic Institute

Lakshmpur Polytechnic Institute was established in 2006. This Institute has a total of 5 departments. 384 The number of students per academic institute have to admit this. Bangladesh is managed by the Technical Education. this polytechnic institute teaches Technical Education subject and also have a polytechnic hostel for students. there are 640 students in Lakshmpur Polytechnic Institute. Male students 640 and 172 Female students in this polytechnic institute.

This Polytechnic has five departments and all are good. And these all are good for the students of this Polytechnic. This polytechnic has a nice Institute and it has a beauty. There is a nice playground and a nice hostel. There is a nice library at this Polytechnic Institute. So students don’t have to be wary about any tension for this polytechnic and their Discipline. Because This polytechnic is always on Discipline. You can also get more information about Lakshmipur Polytechnic Institute below.

General Information of Lakshmpur Polytechnic Institute

Type Public
Established 2006
Principal Prakosali Jaydev Chandra Shaha
Student 4500 (approx)
Location Baishmara, Lakshmipur

22.930182°N 90.851261°E

Campus Semi-Urban
Short Name LPI

Lakshmpur Polytechnic Institute


Department Name of Lakshmpur Polytechnic Institute

SL Department
01 Computer Science & Technology
02 Civil Technology
03 Electronics Technology
04 Architecture & Interior Design Technology
05 Electrical Technology


Architecture and Interior Design Technology

What is Architectural Engineering? Architecture and interior design diploma in engineering fully more details information you can get this site.

Diploma in Civil Engineering

What is Civil Engineering? Civil Engineering is now the best Diploma in engineering technology. Civil Engineering Technology full detailed information you can find here.

Computer Engineering

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Electronics Engineering

What is Electronics Engineering Technology? Diploma in Electronics Engineering fully details information you can know this site. go to this link and learn about Electronics Engineering information.