JSC Result 2016 The Bangladesh of all education boards publishes in the month of December. The JSC and JDC exam Results were released at the same time. Everyone can get this JSC and another board exam Result online way. The JSC exam is the most important for improving students’ careers. JSC and JDC all work controlled by the Government of Bangladesh Education Minister Md Nurul Islam Nahid. Bangladesh has a total of eleven education boards for controlling JSC, SSC, and HSC exams, Results, and other all educational works.
Basically, JSC exam Result is given in a different way. In a different way is the online system, Mobile SMS system, and School Notice Board. At present, the online way is the best system to get JSC and other Exam Results. This year 2016 JSC/JDC Exam started in November 2016. This Exam Result is published after 40 days the of end the JSC/JDC Exam. For this reason, it is said that JSC Exam Result was published on 31 December 2016. A student can get a Scholarship for his good Results. The Government has taken the initiative this scholarship to motivate. So we should learn very well for good Results. Any student can take this facility.

Table of Contents
JSC Exam Result 2016 Bangladesh:
JSC Exam Result 2016 Bangladesh all education board released on 31 December in 2016. JSC Exam Result 2016 bd publishes the Bangladesh Government’s official website. Educationboardresults.gov.bd is the Government site that releases JSC, SSC, HSC, and other board Exam Results. Besides, you can take JSC/JDC and other board Result in other educational websites in Bangladesh. So everyone check this Result anytime.
JSC Result 2016 Download guide pdf
A total of nine boards control the JSC educational works in Bangladesh. Bangladesh has 19, 08,365 students who attend this JSC Exam and JDC examination. In fact, the Bangladesh total has centered at 2,250. Bangladesh has a total 10, of 11,503 Girls students and also 8, 96,862 boys students who attend new this JSC Exam. The Bangladesh JSC/JDC Certificate Exam total 27,642 educational institutions are participating all students for this exam. In the last year, there was a total of 1,861, 113 examines in Bangladesh.
JSC Result 2016 Bangladesh Education Board:
In Bangladesh total of nine boards are controlling the JSC Exam and Result. So this board is very important for controlling JSC all work. In this circumstance, Bangladesh all JSC education boards name is.
Video guide for JSC Result 2016
- Dhaka Education Board JSC Result 2016.
- Barisal Education Board JSC Result 2016.
- Sylhet Education Board JSC Result 2016.
- Chittagong Education Board JSC Result 2016.
- Comilla Education Board JSC Result 2016.
- Dinajpur Education Board JSC Result 2016.
- Rajshahi Education Board JSC Result 2016.
- Jessore Education Board JSC Result 2016.
- Madrasha Education Board JDC Result 2016.
Dhaka Education Board JSC Result 2016:
In Bangladesh Dhaka Education Board JSC exam Result 2016 is published date at 31 December. All of the Board Dhaka Education Board is the most popular Board for Educational qualification. Every year, The JSC Result Dhaka Board GPA or Grade Point Average is very fine in another Education Board. Dhaka Education Board JSC, SSC, and HSC works are controlling Chairman Name is Professor Md Mahbubur Rahman. Every year Dhaka Board has huge students who participate JSC Exam.
How to get JSC Result 2016 Dhaka Board by the online process:
Getting JSC Exam Result online system is a very easy process. At present maximum person uses this process in Dhaka board. In many times we use internet so it’s a good way to get JSC and another exam result. The Online system is getting at first opening your browser than go to educational website in Bangladesh. Firstly you have to filap Result box. There has exam, exam year, Education board Dhaka, roll and filup captcha code and then click submit button.
Better way for online system in Dhaka Board:
- At first, go to “Dhaka Education Board” Govt. official website.
- Then select “JDC/JSC or another examination” on this option
- Select “2016” on this year.
- And then select “Dhaka Board” education board option.
- Then submit “Roll” your roll number.
- Fill up the “Captcha code” must be careful.
- Finally, check this information and click “Submit” option.
Dhaka Board JSC Result 2016 checks SMS system:
The Bangladesh any mobile operators provide to get SMS system of JSC and another Result. Any person will get Dhaka Board JSC Result from his handset. It’s a famous system to get JSC exam Result. At first opening your phone and click SMS option then type JSC <-> and type first three letters of Dhaka Education Board <-> type six digit exam roll <-> and then type your exam year and finally send to 16222 number.
Follow these short rules:
Type JSC <-> DHA <-> 102032 <-> 2016 and send to 16222 this number.
Barisal Education Board JSC Result 2016:
Education Board Barisal JSC Result 2016 publishes date on the same date 31 December. In fact, Barisal Board JSC, SSC, and HSC works are controlling Chairman. Education Board Barisal established in 1999. Every year, Barisal Board has huge students who participate JSC Exam.
How to get JSC Result 2016 Barisal Board by the online process:
For getting JSC Exam Result online system is a very easy way. At present maximum students uses this process in Barisal board. In many times we use the internet so it’s a better way to get JSC and another examination result. The Online way is getting at first opening your internet browser then go to an educational website in Bangladesh. Firstly fill up the Result box. There has an exam, exam year, Education board Barisal, roll and fil up the captcha code and then click submit button.
Good way for online system in Barisal Board:
- At first, go to “Barisal Education Board” Govt. official website or url.
- Then select “JSC/JDC or another examination” on this option type.
- Then select “2016” for this year.
- And then select “Barisal Board” chooses education board option.
- Then type “Roll” your roll number.
- Fill up the “Captcha code” must carefully.
- In conclusion, check this information and click “Submit” option.
Barisal Board JSC Result 2016 checks SMS system:
The Bangladesh any mobile operators provide to get SMS system of JSC or equivalent another Exam Result. Any person will get Barisal Board JSC Result from his handset. First of all opening your phone and click SMS option then type JSC <-> then type first three letters of Barisal Education Board <-> and then type six digit exam roll <-> after then type your exam year and finally send to 16222 this number.
Show these short rules:
Type JSC <-> BAR <-> 201432 <-> 2016 and send to 16222 this number.
Sylhet Education Board JSC Result 2016:
The Sylhet Education Board JSC Result 2016 release time on the same time at 2pm in December. The Sylhet Board JSC, SSC, and HSC works are controlling the Chairman of Sylhet Education Board. In this circumstance, The Bangladesh of Sylhet Education Board established in 1999.
How to get JSC Result 2016 Sylhet Board by the online:
For getting JSC Examination Result online system is a very easy and short way. At present maximum students uses this online process in Sylhet board. Every day we use the internet so it’s a very good way to get JSC and the another examination result. The Bangladesh online way is getting at first opening your internet browser then go to an educational official website in Bangladesh. At first, you have to fill up the Result box. There has included exam, exam year, Education board Sylhet, roll and fill up the captcha code and finally click submit button.
Way easy for online system in Sylhet Board:
- At first, go to “Sylhet Education Board” Govt. official website or URL.
- Then select “JSC/JDC or another exam” on this option.
- Then select “2016” on this year or another year.
- And then select “Sylhet Board” chooses Sylhet education board option.
- After type “Roll” your roll number.
- Fill up the “Captcha code” must be careful.
- In conclusion, check this information and finally click “Submit” option.
Sylhet Board JSC Result 2016 checks SMS system:
The Bangladesh any mobile operators give these facilities to get SMS system of JSC another Exam Result. Any person will get Sylhet Board JSC Result from his handset. First of all opening your phone and type SMS option then click JSC <-> and then type first three capital letters of Sylhet Education Board <-> and then type six digit exam roll of JSC <-> after then type your exam year and finally send to 16222 number.
These short rules are given:
Type JSC <-> SYL <-> 103042 <-> 2016 and send to 16222 this number.
Comilla Education Board JSC Result 2016:
The Comilla Education Board JSC Result 2016 publishes on 31 December. In fact, Comilla Education Board JSC, SSC, and HSC all works are controlling the Chairman of Comilla Education Board. In Bangladesh Comilla Education Board has established in 1962 under the East Pakistan.
JSC Result 2016 Comilla Board by the online process:
Do you know how to JSC Result 2016 Comilla Board by the online system? At present, the Bangladesh maximum students use the online system in Comilla board and another education board. Constantly, we use the internet so it’s a better system to get JSC and other SSC, HSC and all examination Result. The Bangladesh of the online way is getting firstly opening your internet browser Google Chromo or another browser then go to the educational official website in Bangladesh. At first, you have to fill up the JSC/JDC or another Examination Result box. There has included Exam JSC, exam year, Education board Comilla, roll number and fill up the capche code number and finally click the submit option.
Short way for the online system in Comilla Board:
- At first go to “Chittagong Education Board” Govt. official site.
- Then select “JSC/JDC exam”
- And then select “2016” on this year or another examination year.
- Then select “Comilla Board” chooses Comilla education board option.
- After then type “Roll number” your roll number.
- Must be Fill up the “Capche code” must be careful.
- In conclusion, read this information and finally click “Submit” button.
Comilla Board JSC Result 2016 checks SMS system:
Do you know how to get JSC exam Result from your Mobile SMS system? Any examines will get Comilla Board JSC Result from his Mobile set. First of all opening your hand set then type SMS option then type JSC <-> and type first three capital letters of Comilla Education Board <-> and then type six digit JSC exam roll number <-> after then type your examination year and finally you have to send to 16222 at this number.
Viewers follow these short rules:
Type JSC <-> COM <-> 520410 <-> 2016 and send to 16222 this number.
Chittagong Education Board JSC Result 2016:
Chittagong Education Board JSC Result 2016 publishes at the month of December. The Chittagong Board JSC, SSC and HSC works are controlling the Chairman of Chittagong Education Board. The Bangladesh of Chittagong Education Board established in 1995.
JSC Result 2016 Chittagong Board by the online system:
For getting JSC Exam Result online system is a very short and easy way. At present the Bangladesh maximum students uses this online process in Chittagong board and another board. Every day we use internet so it’s a very good system to get JSC and other SSC, HSC and all examination result. The Bangladesh of the online way is getting at first opening your internet browser Mozilla Firefox or other browser than go to educational official website in Bangladesh. At first you have to fill up the JSC or another Result box. There has included exam, exam year, Education board Sylhet, roll number and fill up the capche and finally click the submit button.
Easy way for the online system in Chittagong Board:
- At first go to “Chittagong Education Board” Govt. official website.
- Then select “JSC/JDC exam” on this option.
- And then select “2016” on this year or another exam year.
- Then select “Chittagong Board” chooses Chittagong education board option.
- After type “Roll number” your roll number of Board Exam.
- Fill the “Capche code” must be careful.
- In conclusion, check this information well and finally click “Submit” button.
Chittagong Board JSC Result 2016 checks SMS system:
The Bangladesh any mobile operators give these facilities that to get SMS system of JSC or another Exam Result. Any examines will get Chittagong Board JSC Result from his Mobile phone. First of all opening your Mobile phone then type SMS option then type JSC <-> and then type first three capital letters of Chittagong Education Board <-> and then type six digit examination roll number of JSC <-> after then type your examination year and finally send to 16222 at this number.
SMS short rules are given:
Type JSC <-> CHI <-> 415230 <-> 2016 and send to 16222 this number.
Dinajpur Education Board JSC Result 2016:
Dinajpur Education Board JSC exam Result 2016 releases date 31 December at 2 pm. This is the same way all Education Board released time. Dinajpur Education Board JSC, HSC, SSC exam, Result, Routine, and other all works are controlled by the Chairman of Dinajpur Education Board, Professor Ahmed Hossein. The Dinajpur Education Board all operation started in 2006. This board is most important for educational qualification.
Dinajpur Board JSC Result 2016 obtained by the online system:
For getting JSC Exam Result online system is a very good way. At present Bangladesh huge students uses this online process in Dinajpur board and another board. Constantly, we use internet and Social media so it’s a very good way to get JSC and another SSC, HSC and all examination Result in Bangladesh. The Bangladesh of the online system is getting JSC Result at first opening your internet browser Internet Explorer or other browser than go to educational official website in Bangladesh. At first a student fills up the Result box. There has included exam who is JSC/JDC, exam year, Education board Dinajpur, roll number and fill up the capche number and finally click the submit button.
Short way for the online system in Dinajpur Board:
- Firstly go to “Dinajpur Education Board” Govt. official website.
- Then select “JSC/JDC exam” its exam Name on this option.
- And then select “2016” on this year or another exam year.
- Then select “Dinajpur Board” chooses Dinajpur Education Board option.
- After then type “Roll number” your roll number of Board Exam.
- Fill up the “Capche code” Number.
- And finally, check this information carefully and click “Submit” button.
Dinajpur Board JSC Result 2016 checks SMS system:
Do you know how to get JSC exam Result 2016 by Mobile SMS system? It’s a very short and easy system. Any examines will get of Dinajpur Board JSC Result from his Mobile. First of all opening your Mobile then type SMS option then type JSC <-> and then type first three letters of Dinajpur Education Board <-> and then type six digit examination roll number of JSC <-> after then type your examination year and finally send to 16222 at this number.
SMS rules are given:
Type JSC <-> DIN <-> 587469 <-> 2016 and send to 16222 this number.
Demo for JSC Result 2016
Rajshahi Education Board JSC Result 2016:
Rajshahi Education Board JSC Result 2016 releases date 31 December 2016 at 2pm. This is the same way all Education Board released time. Rajshahi Education Board JSC, HSC, SSC exam, Result, Routine and another all works are controlling by the Chairman of Rajshahi Education board Name is Professor Md Abul Kalam Azad. The Rajshahi Education Board all operation started on 1961. This board is most important for educational qualification. The Rajshahi Board has huge students who attends JSC exam every year. The Rajshahi Education Board Passed rate always fast between another education boards.
Rajshahi Board JSC Result 2016 gets by the online:
The online system is the best for getting JSC exam Result. Recently, the Bangladesh huge students use this online process in Rajshahi board and another board. Generally, we use internet and Social media every day so it’s a very good way to get JSC and another HSC, SSC and all examination Result in Bangladesh. The online system is getting JSC Result at first opening your internet browser Internet Explorer or another browser than go to educational official Govt. website in Bangladesh. Result box has included exam who is JSC/JDC, exam year, Education board Rajshahi roll number and fill up the capche number and finally click the submit.
Simple way for the online system in Rajshahi Board:
- First of all go to “Rajshahi Education Board” Govt. official site.
- Select “JSC/JDC exam” its exam Name on this option.
- Then select “2016” on this year or another year.
- And then select “Rajshahi Board” chooses Rajshahi Education Board option.
- After then type your “Roll number” rolls number of Board Exam.
- Fill “Capche code” Number.
- And finally, check this all inform carefully and click “Submit” button.
Rajshahi Board JSC Result 2016 gets by SMS system:
Any examines will get of Rajshahi Board JSC Result from his Mobile. First of all opening your Mobile then type SMS then type JSC <-> and then type first three letters of Rajshahi Board <-> and then type six digit exam roll number of JSC <-> after then type your JSC exam year and finally send to 16222 at this number.
Easy SMS rules are given:
Type JSC <-> RAJ <-> 635298 <-> 2016 and send to 16222 this number.
Jessore Education Board JSC Result 2016:
Jessore Education Board JSC Result 2016 releases date 31 December 2016. This is the same way all Education Board released time. Jessore Education Board JSC, HSC, SSC exam, Result, Routine and another all works are controlling by the Chairman of Jessore Education board. The Jessore Board all operation started on 1963.
The online system gets by Jessore Board JSC Result 2016:
The online system is the best for getting JSC Result and another Result. Recently, the Bangladesh most students use this online process in Jessore board and another board. Every day, we use internet and Social media usually so it’s a better way to get JSC and another SSC, HSC and all examination Result in Bangladesh. This online system is getting JSC Result at first opening your internet browser Firefox or another browser than go to educational official Govt. website in Bangladesh
Way short for the online system in Jessore Board:
- First of all go to “Jessore Education Board” Govt. website.
- Select “JSC/JDC” its exam Name of this option.
- Then select “2016” on this year or another year.
- And then select “Jessore Board” chooses Jessore Board option.
- After type your “Roll” rolls number of your Board Exam.
- Fill up “Capche code” Number.
- Finally, check this all information carefully then click “Submit” button.
The Board of Jessore JSC Result 2016 gets by SMS:
All examines can get of Jessore Board JSC Result from his Mobile. Firstly opening your Mobile then type SMS and then type JSC <-> and then type first three capital letters of Jessore Board <-> and then type exam roll number of JSC <-> after then type your JSC examination year and finally send to 16222 number.
Follow SMS rules are given:
Type JSC <-> JES <-> 147856 <-> 2016 and send to 16222 number.
Madrasah Education Board JSC Result 2016:
Madrasah Education Board JDC Result 2016 releases date 31 December 2016 at 2pm. This is the same way all Education Board Result released same time. Madrasah Education Board JDC, Alim, Dakhil exam, Result, Routine and another all works are controlling by the Chairman of Madrasah Board. The Madrasah Education Board all operation started on 1978. This Madrasah board is the most important for educational qualification. The Madrasah Board has huge students who attends JDC exam every year. The Madrasah Education Board Passed rate and GPA always fast between another education boards.
JDC Result 2016 Madrasah Board gets by the online:
The Bangladesh online system is the best for getting JDC exam Result. Generally, we use internet every day so it’s a best way to get JDC and another Alim, Dakhil and all examination Result in Bangladesh. The online system is getting JDC exam Result at first opening your internet browser Firefox or another internet browser than go to educational official website in Bangladesh
System for the online in Madrasah Board:
- At first, go to “Madrasah Education Board” Govt. official site.
- Select “JSC/JDC” its exam Name.
- Then select “2016” or another year.
- And then select “Madrasah Board” chooses Madrasah Education Board option.
- After then type “Roll number” rolls number of Education Board Exam.
- Must be fill up “Capche code” Number.
- And finally, check this option and click “Submit” button.
Madrasah Board JSC Result 2016 gets by SMS system:
You can get your JDC or another exam Result by the Mobile SMS system. First of all opening your hand set then type SMS then type JDC <-> and then type first three letters of Madrasah Board <-> and then type six digit exam roll of JDC <-> after then type your JSC examination year and finally send to 16222 this number.
SMS easy rules are given:
Type JDC <-> MAD <-> 554487 <-> 2016 and send to 16222 this number.